The Purpose

Promote the performance

Promote the performance and well-being of people and teams based on self-knowledge, self-regulation and commitment.

The Method

Action & Commitment

Break down prejudices and patterns to interpret the environment with different eyes and focus your habits on action and commitment.


Identify your cognitive style, get to know yourself a little better and discover how to improve your performance and communication with others to increase your leadership capacity.

Team Geography

Identify the cognitive styles of your team members, detect dominant behaviors and analyze how to improve relationships.

360º Leadership

Measure your leadership capacity in your entire environment, discover your areas for improvement and develop an action plan that will lead you to success.

Feedback & TMA

Measure and evaluate the status of your teams with more than 40 indicators grouped into 4 main aspects. It causes the necessary changes to increase the productivity and positivity of each team.

What SenergyApp encourages

Encourages performanceEncourages well-being of peopleEncourages self-knowledge of people and teamsEncourages self-regulation and engagementEncourages better teamwork

Tailored Solution

With the IfTL SenergyApp methodology you will be able to learn what your cognitive preferences are, your biases and your leadership and communication style. In addition, you will obtain an agreed vision of how your team is doing based on more than 40 indicators that will allow you to take it to the next level of excellence, while you strengthen your leadership position, make people grow and achieve your goals by being more efficient and winning in flexibility.

SenergyApp I Mejora la productividad de tu organización.

Online platform for integral improvement of teams

SenergyApp has an easy and comfortable interface that allows you and your team to access the diagnoses and reports that you will use as a basis for your improvement. It also allows HR teams to take a holistic view of the organization. It allows you:

  • View your individual and team reports
  • Respond to assessments quickly and conveniently
  • Acces team data and scorecards
  • Remotely manage the profiles of people and teams
  • Stay up-to-date with the latest developments in neuroleadership
  • Have a joint vision of the entire organization
  • Access theoretical models of teams and leadership
  • Have 360 evaluation processes based on stakeholders

SenergApp, your source of self-knowledge

Discover, how we make decisionshow we perceive realityhow we leadwhat mindset do we havewhat moves otherswhat are our biases and our focushow we plan our realitywhere do we get the energy fromhow are those around us

Tailored Solution

Through the SenergyApp tool you will expand your knowledge of yourself and improve both your performance and communication.

SenergyApp in numbers

Our numbers support the project.


Based on Neuroscience

Individuals and Teams. Scalable: Managed / SaaS


From 5 to 1.000 users

Services, NPOs, Health, Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Utilities.


90% Executives

From different entities, business and commercial groups.


90% Executives

From different entities, business and commercial groups.

Companies that have already trusted SenergyApp

Our clients endorse our method

We are at your disposal to help you

Get in touch with us and start transforming your company today